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1,000,000 CVs wanted

Are you trying to write the best CV to impress recruiters and get your dream job? Do you know that, on average, each corporate job offer attracts 250 resumes and you will only have a 2% chance to be interviewed for your dream job? Yes, 2%. Now you may wonder how recruiters pick the 2%. Well, most of them use talent-management software to screen CVs, weeding out up to 50% of resumes, which have never been looked at.  » Read more about: 1,000,000 CVs wanted  »

ParaEmpleo identified as a best practice in the field of AI in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) plays a key role in driving the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) as a tool to address social challenges. Working together with regional experts, the IDB designed the fAIr LAC initiative to promote responsible adoption of AI, thereby improving the delivery of government services such as Public Employment Services (PES) and creating development opportunities in the region. The fAIr LAC initiative aims to close gaps and reduce the growing social inequality in LAC.  » Read more about: ParaEmpleo identified as a best practice in the field of AI in Latin America and the Caribbean  », a white-label solution with anonymized application procedures

Recently, a proposal was submitted by three members of the Cantonal Council of Zurich calling for application procedures to be anonymized when filling new positions in the cantonal administration. Specifically, they stipulate that nationality, gender, civil status, name and appearance be made anonymous in the first application step. Although the Federal Commission against Racism (FCR) has been advocating the adoption of such standards for some time, it is usually deemed either too costly to adapt such standards,  » Read more about:, a white-label solution with anonymized application procedures  »

Free movement of skilled workers in the EU and beyond are more important than ever

Do you know how to build a house? If not, maybe you should consider learning it right now. In 2030 there is a high chance that we will have a critical shortage of construction workers. This is your opportunity to pick up the skills such as installing electrical wiring, carpentry, blockwork, waterproofing and plumbing.
According to the 2020 report by the Schweizerischer Baumeisterverband (Swiss Building Association)[1], the Swiss construction industry is facing massive problems: fewer and fewer young people are willing to learn a trade in construction,  » Read more about: Free movement of skilled workers in the EU and beyond are more important than ever  »

Perhaps, this time, “working from anywhere” is here to stay

When people were still debating the future of flexible working and how technology and digitalization are going to change how we work, after COVID-19, that future has arrived much sooner than anticipated. Gartner stated in its report that 48% of employees will likely work remotely compared to 30% before the pandemic. [1]

How has the workplace changed over time?
Back in the days, the workplace was much less tech-oriented, and business conversations were conducted through landlines or in person.  » Read more about: Perhaps, this time, “working from anywhere” is here to stay  »