Read for you: in the media.
The media has reported regularly, for example, on the concept that underlies, the revolutionary approach and the impact on the labor and skills market. In the following, you will find reports on and that have appeared in the media since the launch in 2011.
If you would like further information or an online demonstration, require images or would like to report on, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
JANZZ’s job matching platform ParaEmpleo singled out by the IDB as an AI success story
/in News, Press /by JANZZ.technologyThe IDB is an important driver of artificial intelligence as a tool to address challenges in the labor markets in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). As part of the IDB’s fAIr LAC initiative studies, they recently published an interesting report on how to utilize AI for labor intermediation in public employment services (PES). This technical paper provides an overview of key aspects considered by PES when deciding to adopt AI for their operations, » Read more about: JANZZ’s job matching platform ParaEmpleo singled out by the IDB as an AI success story » listed as one of the best tech startups in Zurich
/in News, Press /by JANZZ.technologyWe are proud to share that Seedtable has selected JANZZ as one of Zurich’s 96 best tech startups to watch in 2020.
JANZZ has been busy developing and implementing semantic technology for job matching and CV parsing, making progress in leaps and bounds this year. Our products and solutions are now deployed by several public employment services around the world, as well as by large private corporations, and are endorsed by organizations such as World Bank, » Read more about: listed as one of the best tech startups in Zurich »
Creative Associates International reported on
/in News, Press /by JANZZ.technologyCreative Associates International reported on – our AI powered and un-biased job placement platform in Nicaragua. Ayan Kishore, Director at Creative’s Development Lab said in the article, “Nicaragua doesn’t really have many opportunities for somebody to go online and find a job, so if you’re in Nicaragua, you’re looking at newspaper or depending on word of mouth. That’s just not how people are finding opportunities in the rest of the world.” Thanks to the technology behind delivered by JANZZ and the other key leads on the project, » Read more about: Creative Associates International reported on »
New AI job platform to bring together all the skills of Nicaragua and boost the economy
/in News, Press /by JANZZ.technologyZurich, Switzerland/Washington, DC/Managua, Nicaragua, October 2020 –, Creative Associates International, the SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) and Fundación COSEP (Superior Council of Private Enterprise) will soon launch, an AI-driven platform for Nicaragua designed to strengthen the search for jobs and talents, improve employability and boost the country’s economy.
In the adverse economic environment Nicaragua is currently faced with, and which has become even more precarious in recent months, many Nicaraguans lack information, » Read more about: New AI job platform to bring together all the skills of Nicaragua and boost the economy »
Ζητούνται 1.000.000 βιογραφικά
/in News, Press /by JANZZ.technologyΠροσπαθείτε να γράψετε το καλύτερο βιογραφικό σημείωμα για να εντυπωσιάσετε τους εν δυνάμει εργοδότες και να πάρετε τη δουλειά των ονείρων σας; Γνωρίζετε ότι, κατά μέσο όρο, κάθε θέση εργασίας προσελκύει 250 βιογραφικά και θα έχετε μόνο 2% πιθανότητα να λάβετε συνέντευξη για τη θέση; Ναι, 2%. Τώρα μπορεί να αναρωτιέστε πώς οι recruiters επιλέγουν το 2%. Λοιπόν, οι περισσότεροι χρησιμοποιούν εργαλεία διαχείρισης υποψηφίων για να επιλέγουν βιογραφικά, απορρίποντας έως και το 50% των βιογραφικών, χωρίς να τα έχουν κοιτάξει. » Read more about: Ζητούνται 1.000.000 βιογραφικά »