All the skills of the world.

JANZZ.jobs works like a clever dating site, but instead of matching people to one another, it matches people to jobs. Put another way, JANZZ.jobs is a unique job matching platform that brings together all of the world’s knowledge and skills quickly and accurately, irrespective of the language used. It is for job seekers, employers, freelancers and companies, and for all industries and all jobs, whether full-time or part-time, permanent or fixed-term, local or global. The unique semantic skills and job matching method based on the two key technologies JANZZsme! and JANZZon! compares all relevant criteria with one another in real time in order to precisely and anonymously match supply and demand. On JANZZ.jobs, you don’t search – you are found.

JANZZ.jobs can now be accessed globally and is already available in six languages, with additional languages to be added over the coming months. JANZZ.jobs provides access to more than five million current job offers and several thousand highly qualified applicant profiles from all sectors and industries in more than 60 countries around the world.

Private domain or white labelling of JANZZ.jobs

JANZZ.technology offers the option to operate the JANZZ.jobs platform as a private domain. This allows clients to operate selected technologies or the entire job matching platform via a special domain (e.g. www.company.janzz.jobs) and thus benefit from comprehensive know-how, ongoing developments and all updates from JANZZ.jobs.

At the same time, companies can use the platform as an internal skills management, benchmarking and mobility tool. A solution such as this provides a simple way to structure, manage and compare the hard and soft skills, qualifications and experience of employees worldwide. This allows companies to make optimal use of their human capital in a cost-effective and efficient manner and to develop this asset in accordance with strategic corporate objectives. JANZZ.jobs simplifies processes, increases efficiency and thus, embedded in the already existing system environment as a skills management and skills development tool (SaaS solution), reduces costs on a sustainable basis.

The job matching platform JANZZ.jobs can, however, also be adopted as a white-label platform in accordance with specific requirements and operated as a SaaS solution; whether for a company, a regional or global job placement agency, a public employment service or a platform operator. In addition to the unique JANZZ technologies, operators can thus also benefit from all of the job matching platform’s other features (e.g. anonymous application process) without having to undertake development activities themselves. A white-label solution such as this can be used and operated under your own name and with the desired look and feel, while also enabling you to benefit from the comprehensive support and development services of JANZZ.technology.

JANZZ.jobs – application example: white-label platform for a global financial institution

Background situation
A financial institution with more than 50’000 employees was interested in acquiring a comprehensive system that could provide it with greater transparency as regards the skills possessed by its workforce. A further requirement was that all customary skills profiles for all key positions should be entered and available in the system in order to facilitate the precise matching of employees and external candidates with current vacancies and to simplify internal restructuring and external recruitment processes in equal measure. The platform also needed to allow for «gap analyses» and «benchmarking» to be performed for individual employees, entire teams or divisions, taking account of the different skills profiles and the associated job requirements and thus allowing, for example, lacking skills or development needs to be identified.

Improvements made possible by JANZZ.technology
An increased level of transparency as regards the human capital available within the company. The option to match the skills profiles of employees with vacancies within the company worldwide. The ability to identify potential for mobility within the company, for performance assessments and for professional development. Adjustment of the white-label solution to the specific client needs and infrastructure of the company, including the exploitation of synergies with the existing ATS and further improvement of the company’s own taxonomy. Ensuring compliance with international data protection legislation.

Solution and methodology

  • The in-depth and detailed discussions and preparatory work conducted with the HR, IT and legal departments of the company allowed for the conceptualization of the global internal and external recruitment and matching processes as well as for the development of appropriate solutions.
  • The company’s own taxonomy of occupation data, including specific functions, activities and skills, was analyzed, structured and integrated into JAZZon! following the incorporation of updates and the addition of further datasets.
  • The complex and multifaceted challenges posed by the issues of data protection and cross-border data traffic were analyzed, and special individual solutions were developed.
  • The completed project was also designed to ensure an optimal link to the already existing and tried-and-tested ATS.
  • A large number of multilingual skills profiles of employees and various job descriptions were added to the system and optimized.
  • The white-label platform was adjusted to the specific needs and requirements of the client (incl. its look and feel).
  • In a first step, the solution was initially tested with more than 4’000 employees and was subsequently launched on a step-by-step basis in various countries, languages and areas of activity.

Accomplishment and results for the client
A largely customized white-label product with the look and feel of the company, several thousand specific skills profiles of employees and detailed, targeted descriptions of (almost) all positions in six languages. All this with relatively moderate development and implementation costs.
The solution allows HR managers with the relevant access rights, among others, to quickly and simply access a qualified and complete overview of the available technical expertise across the entire company, as well as details of all vacancies and additional, important job-related information, for example in connection with personnel development. Furthermore, the solution provides wide-ranging options for the precise, semantic matching of employees with open positions within the company, while also optimising the recruitment process for external candidates and specialists (and at the same time greatly reducing the number of unsuitable blind applications and cutting the amount of work required for selection and rejection processes) and much more.

JANZZ.jobs – application example: anonymous recruitment platform for an industrial company

Background situation
Each year, a well-known automobile manufacturer receives an average of more than 240’000 unsolicited and/or unsuitable applications, resulting in a significant workload for the HR department and considerable costs. Typically, more than 99% of applications are not taken any further. This high number of rejections not only leads to high costs but it also negatively impacts the company’s image on the market as a potential employer. For this reason, the company was interested in an alternative recruitment platform via which appropriate skilled personnel could be found quickly and efficiently and which would inform applicants automatically and transparently why their application could not be considered at that particular time.

Improvements made possible by JANZZ.technology
By using JANZZ.jobs, it was possible to sustainably reduce the processing times and costs in the HR department. At the same time, thanks to the anonymous procedure, the quality of suitable applications was increased through:

  • Significantly more precise multilingual skills matching between applicants and vacancies in comparison with traditional job platforms
  • Increased transparency for all applicants as to why an application has been rejected
  • Improved, skills-based active sourcing; vacancies are only visible and open to contact for suitable candidates

Solution and methodology

  • Through detailed discussions with the company’s HR department, it was possible to establish a clear conceptualization of the global internal and external recruitment process and develop corresponding solutions.
  • The information in JANZZon!, which is available in eight languages, concerning professions, skills and abilities, including the automotive industry, was verified and, where necessary, updated and/or expanded.
  • The public JANZZ.jobs platform was presented to those responsible at the company, and all the specialists involved in the recruitment process were trained in its proper use.

Accomplishment and results for the client
Use of a global corporate subscription to JANZZ.jobs, tailored to the client’s needs and at attractive terms. Automated semantic job matching that enables HR managers to now focus more strongly on just a small pool of suitable candidates qualified for the vacancies. Moreover, the new process also offers the opportunity to examine the labor market before publishing a vacancy and to adapt job advertisements and criteria in real time as required and according to candidate and/or market availability. The (gradual) anonymity of job advertisements from JANZZ.jobs also helps with the formulation of objective requirements without the rhetoric customarily found in job descriptions and facilitates a largely discrimination-free and transparent application process while at the same time substantially reducing costs.

To find out more about our job matching platform and your individual integration and usage options with JANZZ.jobs, please contact us via email or via our contact form.