The right skills in the right place. But how? Efficiency. Accuracy. Now possible with
While many European countries are struggling with major economic problems, other regions, such as Latin America, are experiencing large growth rates and desperately looking for qualified personnel. But how do you bring in the modern, globalised labour, and make demands for skills that are both efficient and contemporary?
Large parts of Europe are fighting with economic stagnation or even recession. In other regions of the world, the situation is quite different. For example, the Latin American economies grew on average by 6.2 percent in 2010 and in 2011, the increase was 4.5 percent. Despite the global financial and economic crisis, economists predict a growth rate of nearly 4 percent for Latin America for 2012. The inflation in almost all Latin American countries is under control. Other indicators of this, such as budget deficits and debt are also very solid. Moreover, the vast majority of Latin American countries would fulfil the Maastricht criteria, which the European Union abides by.
More and more economic migration
There is a sharp contrast regarding this in some European countries, such as Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain. For example, in Spain, unemployment as a percent of the total population, was around 25 percent in 2012 (expected to be around 27 percent in 2013), youth unemployment reached a European record high of 53 percent (2013: 56.5 percent), similar troubling figures are reported from Greece. In this situation well-trained and young people just opt for emigration. By 2011, the number of emigrants from Spain had risen to over half a million and is still rising. This also means that, for the first time in a decade, more people emigrated from Spain, than immigrated. The situation is particularly acute with Spain’s academics: According to a survey in 2007 about 46 percent of all Spanish students and graduates were willing to leave the country – in 2012 this number is 98 percent.
Most of the emigrating Spaniards move to other EU countries. Second among the most popular countries is Latin America, where in 2011 alone, approximately 11,000 people from Spain settled. Due to the prevailing shortage of well-qualified personnel in most Latin American countries, and with the proportion of foreigners in Latin American countries currently still very low, means that the immigration laws are generous compared to Europe.
Successful Emerging Countries
Latin American emerging countries are indeed less successful economically than India or China. The macroeconomic data shows that inflation almost everywhere has been brought under control, but the rise in world market prices for oil, metals and agricultural products adds an impressive dynamic. This explains how Argentina’s economy, between 2004 and 2012 grew at an average rate of 9 percent, how Peru’s grew by 7 percent, and in 2011 Columbia and Chile’s grew by 6 percent.
Latin America’s economic powerhouse is undoubtedly Brazil. In the meantime, however, it is desperately searching for a well-qualified workforce in the areas of energy, mining, finance and IT. And often only getting those from abroad. In 2011 alone, the number of foreigners living in Brazil rose by over 52 percent. Since Brazil is particularly attractive for linguistic reasons to the emigrating Portuguese, it is not surprising that they represent the largest group of foreigners in Brazil, with nearly 330,000 immigrants in total. However, the number of Spaniards in Brazil has also increased by over 25 percent since 2008.
Supply and demand intelligently brought together
So while there is high unemployment in some European countries, other regions of the world are characterised by high economic growth and correspondingly high searches for labour.
According to the Noble Prize Winner for Economics in 2001, Michael Spence, there is currently a major challenge in matching skills and abilities to job offers. The Noble Prizes for Economics in 2010 (Peter A Diamond, Dale T Mortenson and Christopher A Pissarides), and in 2012 (Lloyd Shapley und Alvin Roth), both dealt with the matching problem: the exact and appropriate matching of supply and demand, especially in the labour market.
To ensure a precise, cross-linguistic comparison of the required and offered knowledge and skills, thus bringing together worldwide supply and demand quickly and easily, a structured and efficient, global matching platform is needed. With such a platform it then becomes apparent to all skilled talent supply, where in the world their skills are in demand. Employers can see, in real time, where this supply of talent is currently available.
Such a platform – based on the semantic web (Web 3.0) – was developed by the company 4uGroup AG in 2009 and has been online since 2010: called With this new technology from it is now possible to match complex lists of criteria and requirements from job seekers and job offers quickly and inexpensively. The semantic web technology that uses, enables computers for the first time not only to read the data, but also “understand” and interpret it, as people do. In previous web versions, including many Web 2.0 applications, information for complex applications is of limited “intelligence”. Common Internet search engines, for example, do not know if “the bank” means the side of a river or a financial institution., however, recognises a “carpenter” automatically also as a “cabinet maker”, “furniture maker” or even “joiner”, when it comes to an occupation across languages.
From searching to being found
The unique matching in allows for a precise comparison of all the relevant criteria in real time. users, both individuals and companies need look no further – “Searching” does not exist on Their motto is “be found.”
When both supply and demand have entered their criteria, the skills and requirements respectively, a matching occurs on both sides, and in this first step both are automatically notified and both are anonymous. With, the previously time-consuming and cost-intensive scanning of job offers (online or offline) and the processing of received applications, are a thing of the past. only brings together the right people, businesses and jobs. From this generates substantial added value for the labour and skills markets, not only for printed media, but for both corporate and private online job platforms.
Apply skills where they are needed
So, can be used for all areas of life. Be it for personal or professional success, as employees or employers, individuals or businesses. Regardless of profession and industry, whether it is permanent or temporary jobs, full-time or part-time, hourly rate or project fee, whether locally, regionally, nationally or worldwide. Once knowledge, skills and factors such as the type of contract, work location, specialisation, pay or language skills are captured by the knowledge base, they are continuously compared with the available demand and there is always the chance for the perfect match – whether it is for a job in the same city, neighbouring countries or elsewhere. As in the case of Latin America. is currently available in over 50 countries and is available in six different languages (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese). Besides the expansion to all countries worldwide, more languages will be implemented by the end of 2013.
The more information, the better?
The founder and CEO of is the Swiss entrepreneur Stefan Winzenried. The idea was to build a global platform for matching sought-after knowledge and skills based on the experience of an ever-growing flood of data: ”In the past employers advertised a job through an advertisement and looked for employees by sifting through job listings. Then the listing of job offers in printed media shifted to online portals – but the principle remained the same, and so did the effort and moderate success rates. Web technology provides a new approach to data and information, as has been shown, for example, by impressive interactive road navigational systems, no more information is crucial, but the accessing of and matching the correct information is essential. This has been proven and established by online dating systems (Article only available in German) which bring together people according to aptly-defined (and successful) criteria. “We have adapted this basic principle for with significantly more complex requirements from the labour markets needed to bring people, companies, jobs and projects together accurately and efficiently,” says Winzenried at a trade conference.
Economic Benefits
When its potential is released and used intelligently, it will not exhaust classical labour markets, even in this age of globalisation, will instead generate individual and economic benefits. Companies, organisations, associations, etc., will enjoy substantial cost savings in the personnel selection process in terms of time, effort and money. Individuals will open up a range of new challenges, possibilities and career opportunities – regardless of distance, borders or languages. Because with, not only people, businesses and jobs are brought together. With, it is also the first time a simple and efficient way of knowing which professions and jobs require what skills, which occupations search where, whether it be in a city, a region, or a country, or whether suitable employees are available for the company to expand into a new region. Thanks to the simple structure of, applications such as specific heat maps are easy and possible to use in real time. generates a sustainable benefit for the global workforce, the job market and the economies of the world, because it combines and integrates the key aspects of existing and proven technologies and then optimises them to add significant value. When reduced to a formula this means that: firstly includes all activities, skills and jobs in line with the traditional online job platforms (Web 1.0), secondly, adds those sites dependent on interactive networking among individuals and companies (Web 2.0, social media), then thirdly it multiples the results with an exact matching of criteria – similar to the best online dating sites, and finally, thanks to a semantic approach to the data, fully “understands” it and interprets it independently and accurately.
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