Read for you: in the media.

The media has reported regularly, for example, on the concept that underlies, the revolutionary approach and the impact on the labor and skills market. In the following, you will find reports on and that have appeared in the media since the launch in 2011.

If you would like further information or an online demonstration, require images or would like to report on, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

100만 개의 이력서를 구함

당신은 꿈의 직장을 얻기 위해 채용담당자에게 인상을 줄 수 있는 최고의 이력서를 작성하려고 하나요? 평균적으로, 각 기업은 250개의 이력서를 받습니다. 당신은 당신의 꿈의 직장을 위해 면접을 볼 수 있는 기회가 2%밖에 없다는 것을 알고 있나요? 이제 당신은 채용담당자들이 어떻게 2%를 뽑는지 궁금할 것입니다. 대부분 그들은 이력서를 확인하기 위해 인재관리 소프트웨어를 사용하며, 한 번도 살펴보지 않은 이력서를 포함하여 50%까지 걸러냅니다. 아쉽게도 당신의 것도 여기에 포함될지도 모릅니다. 그것이 거절 이메일을 받는 이유입니다.
JANZZ.technology에서는 각 이력서가 인공지능에 의해 평가될 수 있도록 하는 대체 솔루션을 구축하고 있습니다.  » Read more about: 100만 개의 이력서를 구함  »

1.000.000 CVer «WANTED»

Prøver du å skrive den aller beste CVen for å imponere rekrutterere og for å få drømmejobben din? Visste du at i gjennomsnitt, sendes 250 CVer inn til hvert jobbtilbud, og du vil ha 2% sjanse til å bli innkalt til intervju for drømmejobben din? Ja, 2%. Nå kan du lure på hvordan rekrutterere velger ut 2%. Vel, de fleste bruker programvare for talentadministrasjon til å scanne igjennom CV-er, og luke ut opptil 50% av CV-ene,  » Read more about: 1.000.000 CVer «WANTED»  »

1,000,000 CVs wanted

Are you trying to write the best CV to impress recruiters and get your dream job? Do you know that, on average, each corporate job offer attracts 250 resumes and you will only have a 2% chance to be interviewed for your dream job? Yes, 2%. Now you may wonder how recruiters pick the 2%. Well, most of them use talent-management software to screen CVs, weeding out up to 50% of resumes, which have never been looked at.  » Read more about: 1,000,000 CVs wanted  »

ParaEmpleo identified as a best practice in the field of AI in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) plays a key role in driving the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) as a tool to address social challenges. Working together with regional experts, the IDB designed the fAIr LAC initiative to promote responsible adoption of AI, thereby improving the delivery of government services such as Public Employment Services (PES) and creating development opportunities in the region. The fAIr LAC initiative aims to close gaps and reduce the growing social inequality in LAC.  » Read more about: ParaEmpleo identified as a best practice in the field of AI in Latin America and the Caribbean  »

Artificial intelligence revolutionizing job search in Paraguay thanks to the help of the Inter-American Development Bank BID and

The IADB helped Paraguay create the “Labour Intermediation Support Programme System“(Sistema del Programa de Apoyo a la Intermediación Laboral – SIPAIL), a job search tool that, among other things, supports the change from paper records to digital records in employment management offices, facilitates the analysis of online CVs and encourages the publication of vacancies throughout the country.  » Read more about: Artificial intelligence revolutionizing job search in Paraguay thanks to the help of the Inter-American Development Bank BID and  »