The MTESS introduced an advanced platform for job matching

The Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MTESS), Dr. Guillermo Sosa, presented today, Wednesday, February 21st, a new platform to strengthen the search for jobs in Paraguay. This platform was developed by, based in Switzerland. will implement its platform to improve employment opportunities for young people looking for a job, this being the company’s first project in Latin America. Besides Paraguay, provides service to more than 150,000 applicants and employers in 5 countries, using 40 different languages. The platform incorporates advances that enable people to find available jobs and job seekers through a variety of multiple dimensions, including soft skills, education, experience, contractual and geographical availability, among other variables that enhance job search. The platform has more than 100,000 man-hours of work development and brings its new version to Paraguay.

Through this new web platform called, the ministry of Labour wants to offer the most advanced technology for job matching. To this day more than 25,000 candidates have registered in the “PARAGUAY PUEDE MÁS” database. Once the admission process is concluded, young people will have access to job opportunities according to their capabilities and skills. This agreement is part of the Labour Inclusion Support Programme (PR-L1066), which is financed by the Inter-American Development Bank under a loan agreement with the Republic of Paraguay.

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