Technologies, trends and theories:
knowledge at the cutting edge.

Our knowledge base contains information, interesting facts and selected articles on the latest trends and current developments on global labor markets and in the world of semantic technologies relating to human resources and recruitment, occupation (big) data and ontologies / knowledge graphs, job classifications, CV parsing, skills and job matching and much more.

JANZZ Mindsetter – Interview with Kamal Karanth

JANZZ Mindsetter is about critical mindsets. It offers space for critical voices to offer insights into HR, recruiting, digital transformation, labor market issues such as gender and minority discrimination and many more topical issues.
Kamal Karanth on Issues in the Indian Job Market
Kamal Karanth, Managing Director of Kelly Services and KellyOCG India, is the critical voice that opens our blog series JANZZ Mindsetter. Kamal has over 20 years of experience in the recruitment industry. Kelly Services is a leader in providing workforce solutions,  » Read more about: JANZZ Mindsetter – Interview with Kamal Karanth  »

Can Brainteasers Help Select the Best Job Candidate?

How many Smarties fit into a Boeing 747? Who would win a fight between Spiderman and Batman? Describe the color yellow to a blind person. These and many more tricky questions are increasingly being asked at job interviews. Brainteasers are superseding the same old standard interview questions to which candidates are ready to deliver a perfectly memorized answer. The question is whether they are a helpful tool to get to know candidates better or rather a silly annoyance that distracts from the really important things such as the skills and competencies of the applicant.  » Read more about: Can Brainteasers Help Select the Best Job Candidate?  »

Big Corporations: A Quarter of a Million Want to Leave

Career aspirations today are radically changing. Fifteen years ago, big corporations were the ultimate prestigious go-to for graduates but now they are seriously losing appeal for many young talents. People today want to build careers on their own terms.
The widening gap between people’s aspirations and what most professional jobs offer is leading to an epidemic of dissatisfaction, especially among employees in big corporations. The Escape the City initiative that has been working with disillusioned employees for over 5 years tried to identify the underlying issues of professional disaffection and to get behind the drivers of the changing career aspirations.  » Read more about: Big Corporations: A Quarter of a Million Want to Leave  »

Mapping Stereotypes: Immigrant Jobs in the US

Immigrants in the US are widely held to be employed in low-wage jobs such as gardening or housekeeping. A map created by Business Insider, showing the most common jobs held by immigrants across the United States, reinforces many stereotypes. However, a closer look reveals some surprising results.

The map largely offers an image of immigrants’ jobs corresponding to people’s prejudices, with immigrants holding down low-paying jobs in sectors such as agriculture on the West Coast and housekeeping and construction across much of the South.  » Read more about: Mapping Stereotypes: Immigrant Jobs in the US  »

The Rise of the Machines: The Disruptive Potential of Cognitive Computing

As cinematic representations of intelligent machines over the past decades have shown, the fascination with and the fear of artificial intelligence always inevitably mix. People enjoy the thrill of watching humans knocked off-balance by AI in Ex Machina, robots trying to take over the world in I Robot, or seeing an entire team of Marvel superheroes fighting Ultron in the latest Avengers movie. But also in real life, intelligent machines are rivalling with humans and many are afraid of automation and digitalization stealing away people’s jobs.  » Read more about: The Rise of the Machines: The Disruptive Potential of Cognitive Computing  »